EMMA's main objective is to tacke the challenges and opportunities focusing on inland- and river-sea shipping. Especially to increass the modal share of inland- and river-sea shipping to, from and between Baltic Sea Region countries, fostering a better integration of inland- and river-sea shipping in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) transport chains and EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region.

1. Improving Competitiveness of IWT in the BSR

Target Groups: Politicians, Administrations, Lobby Organizations, Shipping Lines

  • Elaboration of (existing) concepts for inland waterway barge designs adjusted to specific navigational and administrative conditions in the BSR. Handbook on technical barge concepts for use under BSR specific navigation conditions.
  • Analysis of efficient transport concepts and their transferability to the Baltic Sea Region (best practices).
  • Demonstration of workable and economic IWT in different pilot activities to enhance the modal split (see -> pilot activities).
  • The above mentioned results will be part of a Competitive Improvement Plan (CIP).

2. Reduction of Bureaucratic and Regulatory Barriers Hindering IWT Development in the BSR

Target Groups: Lobby Organizations, National IWT Ministries and Administrations

  • Analysis, evaluation and recommendations regarding administrative structures in separate countries in the BSR.
  • Analysis, evaluation and recommendations regarding IWT relevant political decision-making processes in the BSR/EU with respect to better consideration of IWT requirements.

3. Raising the Awareness of the Potentials of IWT in the BSR

Target Groups: Chamber of Commerce’s, Shipping Lines, SPCs

  • Identification of IWT best practice cases and relevant industries (-> shift potential), customer needs and their transport requirements, resulting in the identification of three new IWT services in the BSR (routes, goods, business plan) and their promotion to shipping lines (-> lifting the shift potential).
  • Development of an “IWT service implementation guideline”: A tool for shippers to motivate their customers (or attract new ones) to agree or at least discuss about the integration of IWT into their supply chains.
  • Foster a stronger cooperation of BSR Short Sea Shipping Promotion Centers (SPCs). Stabilize SPCs structures and extend their focus to IWT. EMMA will establish a new IWT promotion and information center in Bydgoszcz/Poland based on experiences from other BSR SPCs.

4. Giving IWT a Stronger Voice and Better Standing in Policy and Society

Target Groups: Politicians on national and BSR level, Lobby Organizations, General Public

  • Setting up IWT information and dialogue fora for policy and administration to bring IWT into politicians’ mind and to (in the long run) change their mind-set.
  • Analysis, assessment and strengthening of lobby structures in the BSR together with respective lobby organizations, associations and SPCs supporting the EMMA project.
  • Public relations activities, e.g. IWT site visits for school and development of adapted learning material in national languages and with regional focus. 

By that, EMMA is working to create real benefits for all stakeholders involved in inland- and river-sea shipping in the Baltic Sea Region.
To sum up:

  • Improving competitiveness of IWT in the BSR.
  • Strengthening the future development of IWT in the BSR.
  • Identification of possible new IWT services.
  • Raising the awareness of the potentials of IWT in the BSR.
  • Ensuring better standing of IWT in policy and society.
  • Five pilot activities proving feasibility of IWT in the BSR.